Logo with a stylized road leading to a sun, next to the words "Tucker Project" in bold font.

The nation’s most comprehensive interdisciplinary program empowering students to stand against the illicit fentanyl crisis.

Get Street Smart

Jake and Genny will walk you through the details of the Tucker Project Street Smart Curriculum and how it will empower you to stay safe! This is what we call the Tucker Project Street Smart Curriculum. We don’t have a day to waste, let’s get started.

Watch the Movie

The Tucker Project Will:

Educate students on the dangers of illicit fentanyl and equip them with the skills to say "No"

Provide students with social media red flags and conversation startes to identify and avoid risky situations

Teach students to recognize overdose signs and symptoms and call for help in emergencies

Integrate illicit fentanyl awareness across subjects to create a comprehensive approach and encourage teacher collaboration




preventing harm & saving lives

Why This Matters

The Fentanyl epidemic is a growing public health crisis that is affecting communities across the U.S. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is made illegally and similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. The Tucker Project program includes:


  • Fentanyl Awareness
  • Mental Health, Mentorship Programs
  • Healthcare and Addiction Specialists
  • Human Trafficking Awareness
  • Vaping Dangers

It Starts with Knowledge

Watch Stefanie Roe’s Story


A person with long brown hair wearing a white t-shirt is smiling indoors. Flowers and a staircase are in the background.

Tucker Charles Roe, poisoned by Fentanyl  (Mar. 11 2002 – Sep. 23, 2021), the son of TXAF.org Founder Stefanie Turner

Make a radical impact and save lives

Aligning Fentanyl education with state health standards allows for seamless integration into existing lessons. This ensures students receive accurate and relevant information. By learning about fentanyl’s dangers and developing refusal skills, students gain the knowledge and confidence to make informed choices and contribute to a healthier community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tucker's Law?

House Bill 3908, also known as Tucker’s Law, is a law passed during the 88th legislative session, which mandates education on drug poisoning awareness and fentanyl abuse prevention in public schools across Texas. Tucker’s Law also required the State Governor to designate a “Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Week” in Texas, the first of which was held October 15 through October 21, 2023.

What is the Tucker Project?

The Tucker Project is an initiative established by Texas Against Fentanyl to produce and provide a fentanyl education curriculum, for use both within the state of Texas and across the nation. Texas Against Fentanyl (TXAF.org) is actively engaged in getting that fentanyl curriculum made, in partnership with a leading national textbook publisher.

Who’s Tucker?

Tucker’s Law and the Tucker Project are named in honor of Tucker Charles Roe (Mar. 11 2002 – Sep. 23, 2021), the son of TXAF.org Founder Stefanie Roe.

When was Tucker’s Law passed?

Tucker’s Law passed the House of Representatives on May 9, 2023. Governor Greg Abbott signed the Bill into law on June 14, 2023.

Is the Tucker Project only for Texas?

No, other states can and have already adopted the Tucker Project, and we strongly encourage more to do the same. Texas Against Fentanyl and the Tucker Project can assist State Representatives and others in doing so.

What People Are Saying


We must move from a general awareness of fentanyl and its dangers to a knowledge. The only way to accomplish this is through education. Texas Against Fentanyl is a thought leader in driving this information and we will not back down. Human lives are on the line, many of them not even given the opportunity to grow into an adult.

Stefanie Roe

Founder, Texas Against Fentanyl

House of Representatives, District 20

“Today [May 9, 2023] the House passed out HB 3908, Tucker’s Law, to help ensure our kids are education about the dangers of fentanyl. This was brought to us by Tucker’s mother, Stefanie Turner, who was with us at the Capitol today. I want to thank her, and the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office, for all the work done so far on this issue and for what will be done in the future to protect children from illegal and dangerous drugs in our community.”

Representative Terry Wilson
House of Representatives, District 20

Georgia Department of Education

The Tucker Project’s impact on education environments here in Georgia has been transformative. By implementing a comprehensive support structure that includes mentorship, trauma-informed education, and robust community partnerships, the Tucker Project has demonstrated an outstanding ability to create safe, supportive learning environments where students facing adversity can thrive.

Matt Jones
Chief of Staff, Georgia Department of Education

Texas Education Agency

TEA has had the opportunity to review and provide feedback on their product and has found the product to be of quality and to be well aligned with the goals Texas has for providing this information to students in Texas public schools.

Justin Porter, Ed.D.
Associate Commissioner and Chief Program Officer, Special Populations and Student Support

Lake Travis Independent School District

What sets The Tucker Project apart is its commitment to making these topics both accessible and profoundly relevant. By introducing our students to Angel Families who speak candidly about their experiences, these assemblies foster genuine conversations and a supportive environment.

Tasha Barker
Assistant Superintendent of Organizational Services, Lake Travis ISD

Tucker’s Law Signed

More than 40 years after former First Lady Nancy Reagan launched her famous “Just Say No” advertising campaign, Texas and the rest of the nation are once again trying to combat youth drug use through public school awareness programs.

Overdose Awareness

Tucker’s Law required school districts to educate students about fentanyl. Including Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Week which must touch on the abuse and addiction of the deadly drug and suicide prevention.

Stefanie’s Story

Stefanie Turner lost her 19-year-old son, Tucker Roe, after he purchased one illicit fentanyl pill from a peer on social media. After he passed, she began sharing his story and educating others on the deadly effects of this dangerous drug.

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